Revistas y publicaciones periódicas
Estudios globales: musicología, estética, educación musical y estudios interdisciplinares
Está editada por el Centro de Investigación y Documentación Musical (CIDoM)-Unidad Asociada al CSIC de la Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha. Su contenido ofrece artículos de investigación musicológica, así como otros relacionados con la interpretación y la educación musical. También incluye apartados dedicados a reseñas, resúmenes de tesis e información bibliográfica.
Revista de periodicidad anual que publica resultados de investigación en artes musicales, plásticas y visuales, escénicas, literarias y danzarinas.
Es una revista científica, de publicación anual, a cargo de la Universidad de Valencia y Rivera Editores. Los contenidos abordan la investigación musical y su relación e interacción con el resto de las Artes, así como las aportaciones que los campos de la Ciencia y de la Filosofía efectúan al ámbito de la Música.
Los Cuadernos de Sección de Eusko Ikaskuntza-Sociedad de Estudios Vascos fueron creados en 1982, como publicación seriada para dar a conocer las investigaciones y trabajos de campo realizados por los investigadores de las distintas Secciones Científicas. Incluyen también números monográficos que recogen actas de jornadas, becas de investigación y homenajes. Los Cuadernos están dirigidos a investigadores, universitarios e interesados en la materia correspondiente. Cada serie está regida por su propio Consejo de Redacción.
Es una publicació de l'Associació Valenciana de Musicologia que s'edita anualment el mes de gener. La revista accepta articles d'investigació i difusió dins del camp de la musicologia en tots els seus àmbits: musicologia històrica, etnomusicologia, sociologia de la música, anàlisi musical, organologia, iconografia, etc. La revista es dirigeix a professionals i estudiants de musicologia i té com objetiu donar a conèixer estudis que aporten aspectes novedosos en el camp de la musicologia.
Está dedicada a los profesionales de la música y vinculada, en sus planteamientos y contenidos, a los cursos de especialización musical que realiza el Aula de Música de la Universidad de Alcalá. Selecciona y divulga no sólo el pensamiento musical español actual sino también artículos y ensayos de especial interés publicados en otros idiomas. Está fundamentalmente centrada en aspectos de interpretación, análisis, música contemporánea, pedagogía musical, etc.
Des del febrer de 2015 la Revista Musical Catalana col·labora amb el grup Sàpiens Publicacions, editora de les revistes Sàpiens, Descobrir, Cuina, Súper! i Experiències Descobrir, en l’edició de la revista. La Revista Musical Catalana manté el mateix criteri editorial vinculat als estatuts i valors de l’Orfeó Català en la promoció i defensa de la cultura i llengua catalanes. La Revista Musical Catalana s’ha adaptat a les noves formes de comunicació passant al model bimestral de la revista (sis números anuals), tant en paper com en digital.
Ofrece, tanto al aficionado como al profesional, información completa sobre la vida musical española e internacional, con secciones de opinión, actualidad y crítica, en una publicación mensual a color.
Es una revista española de música clásica y ópera. Cuenta con secciones de crítica musical, discos excepcionales, entrevistas, artículos, educación musical, jazz, tablón de anuncios, etc.
Es la decana entre las publicaciones periódicas dedicadas a la Musicología en España. El contenido de la revista consiste en artículos de investigación musicológica, tanto en las vertientes de Musicología histórica y estudio de las fuentes musicales, como en el área de la Etnomusicología, la práctica musical, la organología, etc., es decir, todos los campos de la Musicología.
Es el órgano científico del Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales. De periodicidad anual, comenzó su andadura bajo la dirección del catedrático Emilio Casares Rodicio en 1996. Publica artículos de investigación y tiene como objetivos principales dinamizar e incentivar la investigación en las diversas áreas de la musicología atendiendo a un marco geográfico amplio, con clara vocación internacional y con marcado interés en el ámbito iberoamericano.
Es una revista internacional dedicada a la música de transmisión oral, desde el ámbito de la antropología cultural aplicada a la música y tendiendo puentes desde la música de tradición oral a otras manifestaciones artísticas y contemporáneas. Dirigida a musicólogos, investigadores sociales y culturales y en general al público con interés en estos temas.
Es una revista de periodicidad anual sobre música y musicología en general publicada desde 1985 por la Institución Fernando el Católico.
Revista online de Divulgación Musicológica, dentro del repositorio de revistas de la Universidad de Salamanca. Se trata de un proyecto que trata de dar cabida a investigaciones dentro del ámbito de la música popular y que pretende ser un punto de encuentro para musicólogos de diversa procedencia y especialización.
Revista aperiòdica de la Societat Catalana de Musicologia, filial de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans. El seu primer número és a l'any 2001. Es una continuación delButlletí de la Societat Catalana de Musicologia.
Es una publicación singular, específica y rigurosa sobre el amplísimo campo de la etnografía. Desde 1980, fecha en que comenzó a publicarse en papel, ha convocado a los mejores especialistas en toda la gama de temas posibles, por lo que se la puede considerar como la gran Enciclopedia de la Etnografía en el ámbito del hispanismo.
Es una plataforma pensada para la publicación y difusión de trabajos de investigación que se acerquen al flamenco desde cualquier perspectiva, ya sea desde la propiamente musical (baile, cante, guitarra u otros instrumentos), o bien desde una perspectiva histórica, literaria, periodística, sociológica, filosófica o antropológica. Además de originales, el Equipo Editorial tendrá en cuenta para su selección que sean de interés y que, en su planteamiento y desarrollo, se atengan al esperado rigor científico y académico.
Es una publicación científica evaluada por pares (peer review journal) y de periodicidad semestral editada por la Sociedad Española de Musicología desde 1978, en que fue fundada por Samuel Rubio. El espectro temático que cubre es muy amplio, aceptándose artículos de investigación, originales e inéditos, sobre cualquier aspecto relacionado con la música hispana en cualquiera de sus ramificaciones históricas, culturales y geográficas. Complementariamente, se incluyen también reseñas bibliográficas y discográficas, noticias y resúmenes de tesis doctorales.
Es la revista científica de la SIBE-Sociedad de Etnomusicología y la rama española de la IASPM (International Association for the Study of Popular Music). Publica artículos originales sobre un amplio abanico de problemáticas relacionadas con la (etno)musicología, los estudios sobre músicas tradicionales, los estudios sobre músicas populares urbanas y, en general, cualquier tema dentro de la investigación musical que contemple acercamientos cros-culturales y transdisciplinares.
Música y educación
Desarrolla una labor divulgativa entre el profesorado y los especialistas de música, identificándose con una línea de reflexión plural y abierta. Es una herramienta profesional de conocimiento, comunicación y de acción, que permite estar al día y resolver los problemas prácticos y teóricos en el aula.
Publica trabajos sobre el aprendizaje y la enseñanza de la música de interés para los educadores musicales. Además de informes de investigación, son bienvenidas las propuestas sobre cuestiones epistemológicas y metodológicas, las revisiones de libros sobre investigación, reseñas sobre congresos o seminarios celebrados que incluyan análisis críticos de las comunicaciones presentadas y de los debates habidos. Los artículos pueden informar sobre investigaciones realizadas en cualquier contexto de educación musical, tanto escolar (educación infantil, primaria, secundaria) como vocacional (aprendizaje informal, clases particulares, escuelas de música), profesional (conservatorios, universidades, formación del profesorado, orquestas, estudios), comunitario (coros, bandas, agrupaciones folklóricas), terapéutico (Musicoterapia) o experimental (cognición, Neurología, Musicología Sistemática).
Pretende ser un vehículo de difusión de conocimiento sobre la educación musical entre sus suscriptores y para todos los interesados en la música en la educación. La revista tiene una periodicidad SEMESTRAL (junio y diciembre). Fue fundada en 1998 y está indexada en diferentes bases de datos.
Referencias, fuentes, reseñas, documentación
Es el órgano de difusión de la Asociación Española de Documentación Musical (AEDOM), rama nacional de la IAML, asociación internacional que agrupa a las bibliotecas, archivos y centros de documentación musical. Esta revista, de periodicidad anual, publica trabajos sobre cualquier aspecto de la biblioteconomía musical, la bibliografía musical o la musicología orientada a la catalogación.
Estudios globales: musicología, estética, educación musical y estudios interdisciplinares
Is the official peer-reviewed journal of the International Musicological Society (IMS). It contains articles on musicological research of international importance in five different languages (English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish). The journal is published semiannually in print form by Bärenreiter.
Was originally published as a hardcopy quarterly periodical between 1990 and 2010. Copies were available by subscription only. However, since 2011, its format has changed to an online publication and every issue ever published, past and current, is now available at no cost to music lovers everywhere. It is edited by R.H.R. Silvertrust and is the only periodical devoted exclusively to non-standard, rare or unknown chamber music of merit. (i.e., not Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms etc.). It has become one of the leading chamber music reference sources and has achieved the kind of influence that Schumann's Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung once had during the 19th Century. Since the first issue, articles have appeared in The Chamber Music Journal with information that has been published nowhere else-- For example, the critically acclaimed 13 part series, the only study anywhere in any language, of the 36 string quartets of the important 19th Century French composer George Onslow.
Fue creada en enero de 2004 en la facultad de Artes de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá. Es una publicación arbitrada de periodicidad semestral que promueve el ejercicio de la investigación, la reflexión y la crítica, desde amplias perspectivas metodológicas y teóricas, estimulando el diálogo entre artistas, investigadores, estudiantes y otros públicos. En la actualidad la revista MAVAE difunde textos inéditos por convocatoria, en las categorías de investigación o reflexión, en español, inglés y portugués.
Is a journal of musical scholarship issued since 2005 by the Institute of Musicology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU). It publishes studies from both historical and systematical musicology as well as interdisciplinary articles concerning music. One of its focuses is also the history of music in Slovenia and other central European countries.
Publicación semestral de acceso libre con evaluación de pares, destinada a promover la discusión en torno a los dilemas teóricos, metodológicos y epistemológicos de las investigaciones realizadas sobre diversas manifestaciones musicales.
Es una revista de publicación semestral de acceso libre y gratuito, tanto para los autores como para los lectores, sobre conocimiento musical en general, con énfasis en el estudio de la experiencia musical. Pretende constituirse en un ámbito de planteo y debate de problemáticas desde una perspectiva multidisciplinaria e internacional. Atiende, particularmente, a los enfoques cognitivos y culturalistas, sin desestimar a priori ningún paradigma o perspectiva epistemológica con amplio reconocimiento en la comunidad académica.
Publishes research articles, practical discussions, timely reviews, readers' notes and special issues concerning all aspects of Community Music. The editorial board is composed of leading international scholars and practitioners spanning diverse disciplines that reflect the scope of Community Music practice and theory.
Publishes current research articles, symposia, special issues, and timely book reviews in aesthetics and the arts. The term aesthetics, in this connection, is understood to include all studies of the arts and related types of experience from a philosophic, scientific, or other theoretical standpoint. The arts are taken to include not only the traditional forms such as music, literature, landscape architecture, dance, painting, architecture, sculpture, and other visual arts, but also more recent additions such as photography, film, earthworks, performance and conceptual art, the crafts and decorative arts, contemporary digital innovations, and other cultural practices, including work and activities in the field of popular culture.
It aims to advance the use of mathematical modelling and computation in music theory. The Journal focuses on mathematical approaches to musical structures and processes, including mathematical investigations into music-theoretic or compositional issues as well as mathematically motivated analyses of musical works or performances. In consideration of the deep unsolved ontological and epistemological questions concerning knowledge about music, the Journal is open to a broad array of methodologies and topics, particularly those outside of established research fields such as acoustics, sound engineering, auditory perception, linguistics, etc.
It explores the issues concerning the use of technology in music education. It examines pedagogy at all levels and across genres such as composition, musicology, performance and music production. It is the only journal specifically dedicated to the educational aspects of music technology and the technological aspects of music. Peer-reviewed, with an international editorial board, JMTE aims to draw its contributions from a broad community of educators, researchers and practitioners who are working closely with new technologies in the fields of music education and music technology education.
It fosters conceptual and technical innovations in abstract, systematic musical thought and cultivates the historical study of musical concepts and compositional techniques. The journal publishes research with important and broad applications in the analysis of music and the history of music theory as well as theoretical or metatheoretical work that engages and stimulates ongoing discourse in the field. While remaining true to its original structuralist outlook, the journal also addresses the influences of philosophy, mathematics, computer science, cognitive sciences, and anthropology on music theory.
JNMR seeks to establish an interdisciplinary foundation for the creation and study of music by means of the most advanced technologies, by publishing material which is both scientifically rigorous and musically relevant. JNMR draws on disciplines ranging from musicology (music theory, aesthetics, sociology), psychology (from psychoacoustics to cognitive psychology - with emphasis on modelling), acoustics (including sound engineering), computer science (from signal processing to artificial intelligence), philosophy (epistemology and methodology) to brain sciences.
Is admired internationally for its independent critical thought and cutting-edge explorations. PAJ charts new directions in performance, video, drama, dance, installations, media, film, and music, integrating theater and the visual arts. Artists" writings, critical commentary, interviews, and a special review section for performances and gallery shows are highlighted along with plays and performance texts from around the world. New features include Performance Drawings portfolios and the Art, Spirituality, and Religion ongoing series. In 2010, the journal celebrates its 34th year of publishing.
Publishes peer-reviewed empirical, theoretical and critical articles directed at increasing the understanding of how music is perceived, represented and generated. To that end, all empirical work, including replication studies and meta-analyses, within the music-related domains of empirical musicology, psychology, sociology...
Founded in 1915 by Oscar Sonneck, has long been cited as the premier scholarly musical journal in the United States. Over the years it has published the writings of many important composers and musicologists, including Aaron Copland, Arnold Schoenberg, Marc Blitzstein, Henry Cowell, and Camille Saint-Saens. The journal focuses on the merging areas in scholarship where much of the challenging new work in the study of music is being produced.
Is a leading international journal of musical scholarship, publishing articles on topics ranging from antiquity to the present day and embracing musics from classical, popular, and world traditions. Since its foundation in the 1920s, Music & Letters has especially encouraged fruitful dialogue between musicology and other disciplines. It is renowned for its long and lively reviews sections, the most comprehensive and thought-provoking in any musicological journal.
Is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of visual sources of music from antiquity to the present. It fosters communication between historians of art, dance, and theater, musicologists, and ethnomusicologists engaged in the research of pictorial representations of musical instruments and their decorations, occasions for music-making and dance, the history of performance practice, and the relationship between music and visual art. Music in Art is the continuation of the RIdIM/RCMI Newsletter, volume I (1975) to XXII (1997).
It charts the ongoing scholarly discussion and study of musical phenomena. Publishing original empirical and theoretical papers, methodological articles and critical reviews from renowned scientists and musicians, Music Perception is a repository of insightful research. The broad range of disciplines covered in the journal includes: Psychology, Psychophysics, Linguistics, Neurology, Neurophysiology, Artificial intelligence, Computer technology, Physical and architectural acoustics, Music theory.
A leading journal in the field and an official publication of the Society for Music Theory, Music Theory Spectrum features articles on a wide range of topics in music theory and analysis, including aesthetics, critical theory and hermeneutics, history of theory, post-tonal theory, linear analysis, rhythm, music cognition, and the analysis of popular musics. The journal welcomes interdisciplinary articles revealing intersections with topics in other fields such as ethnomusicology, mathematics, musicology, philosophy, psychology, and performance. For further information about Music Theory Spectrum, please visit the Society for Music Theory homepage.
Was founded by Robert Schumann. Since then, this magazine has dealt with the contemporary trends in music - issue by issue. Meanwhile the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik is read in over 40 countries all around the world. Each issue deals with a special subject from the wide range of New Music: detailed and from many different points of view. Thus the issues are indispensable sources of information on major currents of the present even after years.
Es una publicación de la Escuela de Música de la Universidad de Talca, destinada a la difusión y promoción de la investigación musicológica y la docencia de la disciplina. Se trata de un espacio creado para incentivar la reflexión, la crítica y el análisis de la música, desde la creación y la docencia musical. Sus contenidos abarcan una amplia gama temática en torno a los procesos creativos del ámbito hispanoamericano, así como también aspectos relevantes para la generación del debate y la discusión en profundidad en distintos niveles de formación disciplinaria.
At the forefront of art criticism and theory, October focuses critical attention on the contemporary arts and their various contexts of interpretation: film, painting, music, media, photography, performance, sculpture, and literature. Examining relationships between the arts and their critical and social contexts, October addresses a broad range of readers. Original, innovative, provocative, each issue presents the best, most current texts by and about today’s artistic, intellectual, and critical vanguard.
Is directed to a readership consisting of composers, performers, scholars, and all others interested in any kind of contemporary music. Published material includes theoretical research, analyses, technical reports, position papers by composers, sociological and philosophical articles, interviews, reviews, and, for special purposes, short musical scores or other creative productions.
Fue fundada el año 1997 y, desde entonces, se ha publicado semestralmente al alero del Instituto de Música de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (IMUC). Desde el año de su inicio, y de manera ininterrumpida, esta revista ha publicado artículos de especialistas nacionales y extranjeros sobre variados temas vinculados principalmente con las músicas de América Latina, el Caribe y la Península Ibérica.
Edited by the Institute for Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, publishes papers, documentary studies and short essays in the field of musicology in the broadest sense, with special respect to subjects connected with the history of Hungarian music and folk music. It also contains reports of congresses. Publishes book reviews and advertisements.
Is the oldest continuously-published music journal in the world, founded in 1844. Based in the UK, it appears four times a year, usually in March, June, September and December, and is available by subscription. Single current and recent issues may also be obtained.
Is entwined with the history of the KVNM and of Dutch musicology in general. At present the TVNM welcomes articles on music and music history of the Netherlands (in the broadest sense of the word) from the Middle Ages to modern times, including musical analysis, iconography and organology, popular music and cultural studies.
Is an international peer-reviewed journal seeking a critical understanding of performing arts and cultural practices involving music, dance and theater worldwide, as well as the many contexts in which they come into being. In this, it provides scholars from a multiplicity of academic backgrounds a forum for the discussion of musics from around the world, their dynamics and their many meanings, manifested in a variety of ever changing forms ranging from highly particular and localized systems of musical thinking in traditional musics to global (musical) cultural flows and consumption.
Publishes articles on American composers, performers, publishers, institutions, events, and the music industry, as well as book and recording reviews, bibliographies, and discographies.
Is one of the leading German periodicals for musicology. Articles in German and English deal with topics from all musical periods, including ancient music, medieval songs as well as contemporary compositions. The periodical focuses on the development of European music in a historical as well as a systematic context, always aware of the individuality and creativity of each single musical piece. It is the editors' aim to create a forum for the discussion of musicological research as well as to contribute to current debates of new developments.
Publishes articles for those interested in Bach and his circle and in the Baroque era.
Containing lively and provocative essays, Cambridge Opera Journal has a well-established reputation for publishing first-rate scholarship on opera in all its manifestations. The Journal not only contains material on all aspects of the European canon, it has now widened its scope to publish high-quality essays on American opera and musical theatre, on non-Western music theatres, and on contemporary works. Carefully researched and often illustrated with music examples and pictures, articles adopt a wide spectrum of critical approaches. As well as major articles, each issue generally includes reviews on recent publications of importance in the field.
Is a contemporary musicians’ journal. It provides a forum where new tendencies in music can be discussed in both breadth and depth. Each issue focuses on a specific topic. The main concern of the journal is music today in all its aspects--its techniques of performance and composition, aesthetics, technology and its relationship with other disciplines and currents of thought. The publication may also serve as a vehicle to communicate actual musical materials.
Is a leading journal for scholarly research on music. It publishes articles and book reviews in the fields of historical musicology, ethnomusicology, music theory, and philosophy of music. The journal was founded in 1965 by graduate students at Columbia University as a semiannual review.
Is a stimulating and richly illustrated journal, and is unrivalled in its field. Founded in 1973, it remains the journal for anyone interested in early music and how it is being interpreted today. Contributions from scholars and performers on international standing explore every aspect of earlier musical repertoires, present vital new evidence for our understanding of the music of the past, and tackle controversial issues of performance practice. Each beautifully-presented issue contains a wide range of thought-provoking articles on performance practice. New discoveries of musical sources, instruments and documentation are regularly featured, and innovatory approaches to research and performance are explored, often in collections of themed articles.
Is devoted to the study of music from the early Middle Ages to the end of the seventeenth century. It gives preference to studies pursuing interdisciplinary approaches and to those developing new methodological ideas. The scope is broad and includes manuscript studies, textual criticism, iconography, studies of the relationship between words and music, and the relationship between music and society.
Is a well-established journal dedicated to all areas of eighteenth-century music research. Its generous breadth of coverage includes, alongside articles and essays by both leading and emerging scholars, a wide range of reviews and a communications section that reports on conferences and other items of interest from around the world.
Is the official organ of the Society for Ethnomusicology and contains scholarly articles on the wide variety of cultural study areas, theoretical questions and interdisciplinary approaches that are characteristic of the field of ethnomusicology. The journal also includes book, recording, film, and video reviews. Peer-reviewed by the international membership of the society, Ethnomusicology has been published three times a year since it emerged from the fledgling society"s newsletter first published in 1953.
The journal seeks to provide a dynamic forum for the presentation of new thinking in the field of ethnomusicology, defined broadly as the study of "people making music", and encompasses the study of all music, including Western art music and popular music.
Is a peer-reviewed journal of research into all aspects of traditional song, music, dance, and drama. It is the journal of the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library, England's national folk music and dance archive, and is sent free to all members of the English Folk Dance and Song Society. Contents include articles, correspondence, reviews of books and sound recordings, and obituaries.
Prende a prestito il titolo dal discorso di Galileo sulle comete, ossia dalla più bell'opera polemica che abbia avuto l'Italia, a detta dell'Algarotti. La rivista ha l'ambizione di alimentare, in Italia e all'estero, la corrente della musicologia 'critica', della musicologia cioè che, qualunque oggetto vada saggiando e soppesando, s'interroga sui fini, dubita delle opinioni, discute le teorie, compara i metodi, verifica le esperienze, pondera i risultati, escogita i linguaggi atti a rappresentarli, e daccapo ritorna a raggionar del come e del perché d'ogni ricerca.
In the Italian Renaissance features ground-breaking work written in Italian and in English on every aspect of the literary, religious, artistic, historical, and scientific dimensions of Renaissance Italy. Since its creation in 1985, the journal has published essays by some of the most distinguished scholars of early modern Italy, including Suzanne Butters, Gene Brucker, Richard Goldthwaite, E.H. Gombrich, F.W. Kent,Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, Salvatore Settis, and Bette Talvacchia.
Is an official publication of the American Bandmasters Association and was begun in 1964. The Journal is published twice a year, in the Fall and in the Spring, by Troy University in Troy, Alabama. The Journal of Band Research is the premiere scholarly publication devoted to band music, band history and band methodology in the world. Articles accepted for publication in the JBR receive peer scrutiny by a distinguished editorial review board.
It has provided an international forum for current theory and research among scholars of traditional culture since 1964. Each issue includes topical, incisive articles of current theoretical interest to folklore and ethnomusicology as international disciplines, as well as essays that address the fieldwork experience and the intellectual history of folklore and ethnomusicology studies. Contributors include scholars and professionals in additional fields, including anthropology, area studies, communication, cultural studies, history, linguistics, literature, performance studies, religion, and semiotics.
Publishes original articles on all aspects of the discipline of music: historical musicology, style and repertory studies, music theory, ethnomusicology, music education, organology, and interdisciplinary studies. Because contemporary music scholarship addresses critical and analytical issues from a multiplicity of viewpoints, the Journal of Musicological Research seeks to present studies from all perspectives, using the full spectrum of methodologies. This variety makes the Journal a place where scholarly approaches can coexist, in all their harmony and occasional discord, and one that is not allied with any particular school or viewpoint.
Enters its third decade as one of few comprehensive peer-reviewed journals in the discipline, offering articles in every period, field and methodology of musicological scholarship. Its contributors range from senior scholars to new voices in the field. Its reach is international, with recent articles by authors from North America, Europe and Australia, and circulation to individuals and libraries throughout the world.
Is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to research on popular music throughout the world and approached from a variety of positions. Now published four times a year, each issue features essays and reviews, as well as roundtables and creative works inspired by popular music.
Publishes scholarship from all fields of musical inquiry: from historical musicology, critical theory, music analysis, iconography and organology, to performance practice, aesthetics and hermeneutics, ethnomusicology, gender and sexuality, popular music and cultural studies. JAMS is recognized for the breadth of its intellectual scope and its penetration in the field--over 5,000 subscribers rely on JAMS to inform their scholarship. Each issue includes articles, book reviews, and communications.
Is devoted to aesthetic and technical issues in contemporary music and the sonic arts. Each thematic issue features artists/writers from around the world, representing a wide range of stylistic viewpoints. Each volume includes the latest offering from the LMJ CD series—an exciting sampling of works chosen by a guest curator and accompanied by notes from the composers and performers. Institutional subscribers to Leonardo receive LMJ as part of a yearly subscription.
Is the international forum for the presentation of new writing focused on musical works and repertoires. Through articles of this kind and through its lively Critical Forum, it also aims to take forward debates concerning the relationship of technical commentary on music with music theory, critical theory, music history and the cognitive sciences. Music Analysis is eclectic in its coverage of music from medieval to post-modern times, and has regular articles on non-western music. Its lively tone and focus on specific works makes it of interest to the general reader as well as the specialist.
It covers all aspects of Western art music between the mid-eighteenth and mid-twentieth centuries. We welcome--in no particular order--considerations of composers and compositions, styles, performance, historical watersheds, cultural formations, critical methods, musical institutions, ideas, and topics not named on this list. Our aim is to publish contributions to ongoing conversations at the leading edge of musical and multidisciplinary scholarship.
Locates music within all aspects of culture in the long nineteenth century (c.1789-1914), covering the widest possible range of methods, topics and concepts. Through themed and general issues, articles provide both depth and breadth in their contribution to this expanding field. A rich supply of book, CD, DVD, and score reviews reflects the journal's title and commitment to stimulate and advance critical discussion.
It sits squarely at the intersection of performance, theory, and history. Fundamentally interdisciplinary, it addresses both historical and contemporary developments on the stage and in the academy, embracing opera as well as considerations of voice and musical theater more broadly.
Is published twice a year in association with the Plainsong and Medieval Music Society and Cantus Planus, study group of the International Musicological Society. It covers the entire spectrum of medieval music: Eastern and Western chant, secular lyric, music theory, palaeography, performance practice, and medieval polyphony, both sacred and secular, as well as the history of musical institutions. The chronological scope of the journal extends from late antiquity to the early Renaissance and to the present day in the case of chant. In addition to book reviews in each issue, a comprehensive bibliography of chant research and a discography of recent and re-issued plainchant recordings appear annually.
Is an international multi-disciplinary journal covering all aspects of the subject - from the formation of social group identities through popular music, to the workings of the global music industry, to how particular pieces of music are put together. The journal includes all kinds of popular music, whether rap or rai, jazz or rock, from any historical era and any geographical location. Popular Music carries articles by scholars from a variety of disciplines and theoretical perspectives. Each issue contains substantial, authoritative and influential articles, topical pieces, and reviews of a wide range of books.
It publishes articles, book reviews, and audio reviews on popular music of any genre, time period, or geographic location. Popular Music and Society is open to all scholarly orientations toward popular music, including (but not limited to) historical, theoretical, critical, sociological, and cultural approaches. The terms "popular" and "society" are broadly defined to accommodate a wide range of articles on the subject. Recent and forthcoming Special Issue topics include: Digital Music Delivery, Cover Songs, the Music Monopoly, Jazz, and the Kinks. Popular Music and Society is published five times per year and is a peer-reviewed academic journal supported by an international editorial board.
Is published by the Music Department of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Chile. It was created in 1945. Its main areas of interest cover the music cultures of Chile and Latin America, considered both in terms of the musical aspects themselves, as well as in terms of the historical, social and cultural contexts, from the standpoint of musicology and various other related scholarly disciplines. It appears twice a year, during the months of June and December. Its abbreviated title is RMCh. It schould be used in bibliograhies, footnotes, references and bibliographic strips.
É um periódico académico com arbitragem científica, que aceita submissões de artigos em todas as áreas da investigação em música. A RPM é publicada em conjunto pela SPIM, Sociedade Portuguesa de Investigação em Música, e dois centros de investigação da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa: INET-md, Instituto de Etnomusicologia – Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança, e CESEM, Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical.
Its span covers all periods and disciplines, including music history, archival studies, criticism, aesthetics, and performance practice, among others. Only a few other french journals are now published in this field, mostly devoted to more focused fields (except the well-known Revue musicale). The Revue de musicologie is published twice a year.
Is the official journal of the Church Music Association of America, and the oldest continuously published journal of music in North America. It is the essential resource for every Church musician, professional or amateur, who is interested in the restoration of the sacred in Catholic liturgical life.
Is the premier English-language journal devoted to twentieth-century and contemporary concert music. Literate and scholarly articles, often illustrated with music examples, explore many aspects of the work of composers throughout the world. Written in an accessible style, approaches range from the narrative to the strictly analytical. Tempo frequently ventures outside the acknowledged canon to reflect the diversity of the modern music scene. Issues feature interviews with leading composers, a tabulated news section, and lively and wide-ranging reviews of recent recordings, books and first performances around the world. Selected issues also contain specially-commissioned music supplements.
Disseminates research on all aspects of music in the long twentieth century to a broad readership. Emphasis is placed upon the presentation of the full spectrum of scholarly insight, with the goal of fostering exchange and debate between disciplinary fields. Individual issues may address a single theme, or encompass diverse topics and musical repertoires of current import. The reviews section offers agenda-setting responses to newly published work.
Música y educación
- British Journal of Music Education
Is a fully refereed international journal, which provides clear, stimulating and readable accounts of contemporary research in music education worldwide, and a section containing extended book reviews which further current debates. The journal strives to strengthen connections between research and practice, so enhancing professional development and improving practice within the field of music education. The range of subjects covers music teaching and learning in formal and informal contexts including classroom, individual, group and whole class instrumental and vocal teaching, music in higher education, international comparative music education, music in community settings, and teacher education.
Provides a forum where contemporary research is made accessible to all with interest in music education. The Bulletin contains current research, and reviews of interest to the international music education profession. Dr. Gregory DeNardo is editor and works with an advisory committee of music education"s most prestigious researchers. The Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education provides an outlet for scholarly publication and is one of music education’s leading publications.
Is published by the International Society for Music Education (ISME) four times a year; each issue has a special focus: Research (February, August, IJME) Research comprises scholarly reports that enhance knowledge regarding the teaching and learning of music with a special interest toward an international constituency. This may include articles that report results of quantitative or qualitative research studies, summarize bodies of research, present theories, models, or philosophical positions, etc. Submitted articles should include a discussion of implications and applications to music teaching and learning, defined broadly, and be of interest and relevance to the international community.
Is a peer-reviewed online-only research journal published three times a year, includes general interest articles and research articles (philosophical, historical, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods) related to music teacher education.
Comprises reports of original research related to music teaching and learning. The wide range of topics includes various aspects of music pedagogy, history, and philosophy, and addresses vocal, instrumental, and general music at all levels, from early childhood through adult.
Is an international refereed journal which draws its contributions from a wide community of researchers. The focus is firmly on research, and the journal provides an international forum for cross-cultural investigations and discussions relating to all areas of music education.
Music Education Research welcomes articles which report on and discuss research and methodological issues from the point of view of philosophy, sociology, psychology and comparative studies. The journal is concerned with the dissemination of ideas relating to practical and theoretical developments in the field.
Provides an international forum for researchers working in the fields of psychology of music and music education, to encourage the exchange of ideas and to disseminate research findings. Psychology of Music publishes peer-reviewed papers directed at increasing the scientific understanding of any psychological aspect of music. These include studies on listening, performing, creating, memorising, analysing, describing, learning, and teaching, as well as applied social, developmental, attitudinal and therapeutic studies. Special emphasis is placed on studies carried out in naturalistic settings, especially those which address the interface between music psychology and music education.
Is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that promotes the dissemination and discussion of high-quality research in music and music education. The journal encourages the interrogation and development of a range of research methodologies and their application to diverse topics in music education theory and practice. The journal covers a wide range of topics across all areas of music education, and a separate "Perspectives in Music Education Research" section provides a forum for researchers to discuss topics of special interest and to debate key issues in the profession.
Música y nuevas tecnologías
Is published quarterly with an annual music disc. For more than three decades, it has been the leading publication about computer music, concentrating fully on digital sound technology and all musical applications of computers. This makes it an essential resource for musicians, composers, scientists, engineers, and computer enthusiasts and anyone exploring the wonders of computer-generated sound. Edited by experts in the field, and featuring an international advisory board of eminent computer musicians.
Referencias, fuentes, reseñas, documentación
Is the most important public forum for musicology in Germany. Contributions cover all topic-related and institutional brands of the field. There are reviews of German publications and publications in other languages on the whole range of musicological research themes and reviews of score editions. Once a year the PhD theses accepted in German universities and conservatoires are announced. In addition, the journal includes up-to-date information from institutes, about research projects and people. Reports about musicological conferences, PhD abstracts and further material can be found on a supplementary website.
A quarterly, peer-reviewed journal, features articles relevant to the purposes of IAML, particularly in the area of international music librarianship and documentation, bibliography, audio-visual materials, and musicology. Fontes is a membership journal with the subscription cost included in membership dues.
Is a refereed journal covering all aspects of the management and use of music collections and services in academic, orchestra, public, conservatory, and performing/fine arts libraries, as well as archives and museums. The Journal emphasizes research related to administration and management, bibliographic instruction, collection development, digital audio delivery, electronic resources, facilities, music librarianship education, preservation of music materials, reference services, cataloging, and bibliographies relating to printed music and audio-visual materials. The Journal publishes conceptual papers, literature reviews, practical case studies and opinion pieces. Regular columns include electronic resource reviews, book reviews and interviews.
It offers its readers interesting, informative, and well-written articles in the areas of music librarianship, music bibliography and discography, the music trade, and on certain aspects of music history.